About us

About us


MKL Care Solutions

MKL Care Solutions is a disability service provider in Australia that envisions a world where every individual is given an equal opportunity with integrity, and where inclusivity is not just a notion.

As a team of professional support workers, we are committed to maintaining high standards of care and support to ensure that participants can live as independently as possible.

While adapting to modern practices of providing high quality care, we stay true to our values and offer individualized support as per your needs.

Independence is a pillar of leading a fulfilling life. Our aim is to strengthen it in a personalized way so that every NDIS participant can live an autonomous life. At MKL Care Solutions, the support workers understand your interests, vision about life, needs and goals to assist you in achieving the same, as per your NDIS development plan.

We offer an array of NDIS services to help diverse participant groups and individuals and meet their individual needs in the best possible way. A meaningful community is where every member is respected, and lives with integrity in a safe environment- and that is what we aim to achieve at- MKL Care Solutions.

Our Mission

To provide exceptional care in the comfort of participants home and in the community. MKL to closely work with participants to meet their needs and improve the quality of life while preserving dignity and respecting all people involved. Person-centred care approach is adapted to allow clients to be involved in their care plans and decision-making.

Our Vision

To ensure a safe and secure environment for all staff and participants; and provide continuous service for people living with disabilities.



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